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What is a high-value person?

By Eri Anton


I hear the term high-value man and high-value woman being used with many different definitions attached to it. The way people use it many times is as a way to define themselves and feed their ego as being more valuable than others. Like everything in life people will pervert the meaning to be self serving and this is not reflective of a high value person; as they don't need the title to define themselves to others.

I also think people often mistake a high net worth or high income individual as a high value person and again this is a gross misrepresentation of the term. A high income individual could be a high vaue person, but having money doesn't make you high value by itself. There are a lot of bad people out there with money, so having money does not necessarily mean you do what is right.

The best definition I can put around a high value person is they live a life focused on building and adding value in all areas of their life. They have a focus on long term living and are not wrapped up in short term pleasures or using people for their personal happiness and pleasure. So what exactly does that mean? Here are areas I see of focus on people I would consider high value:

Business Relationships: they are the ones who understand where and how long term value is created in business deals and transactions and seek to build something verse focusing on making money. They seek win-win realtionships and are not focused on how to use others to make moeny from them. They truly care for the art of a deal and building lasting relationships that stand the test of time.

Personal Relationships: they seek meaningful and deep connections that create learning and experiences based on a foundation of trust. They realize time is an investment and they do not seek to invest where it is not reciprocated at the same level. They don't mislead and they don't take advantage of people for short term pleasure to fill superficial needs. They understand the responsibility to care and build people up and can walk away from people who seek to use you and abuse their time.

Health and wellness: they understand the importance of physical and mental health. They take care of their bodies and their mind by only allowing things inside of it that are edifying and not of a destructive nature. They are usually of sound mind and body and take time daily to take care of themselves. Their daily routine makes time to make training and diet an active part of their lifestyle.

Emotional Intelligence: one of the key pillars to high value is high emotional intelligence. In its simpliest of terms it means understanding how to read your emotions and the emoitions of others and then reacting in a way that is appropriate and edifying to people. The truth spoken in love is the greatest thing people can do for each other and unbridled emotion can be the downfall of many people. Emotionally disconnecting, not having tough honest conversations about how you feel and emotional outbursts can destroy so much opportunity. When you understand your emotions and others, you can then react in ways that help you to learn, better communicate and grow from a situation verse disconnecting and r=destroying relationships.

Education and Wisdom: life is a constant state of learning and gaining insight or wisdom, which never stops until the day we die. Some people settle in to their comfort zone and don't want to change their perspective on life and will live in a state of "that's my opinion" and thus are not open to learning or changing. High value people constantly strive to meet new people, learn other perspectives and remain open to changing theirs based on new learnings. Life is viewed as a never ending story book of education that is to be gained and experienced.

Personal Growth: they seek to continually grow all aspects of their life. To impove upon each and every one of the areas contained within. They know that when they stop growing they start to decline and personal growth feeds their desire to expand their horizon. They are motivated and driven by accomplishments and enjoy the process of staying humble and learning something from everyone verse interacting with others from an ivory tower where they are the king or queen of a given subject. Personal growth comes in so many ways including the ability to see a different persepctive.

Finance: a high value individual is finanacially responsible and can fulfill their role financially in any relationship. They are not about 50/50 or separating finances if they are the man. They understand their role financially and can provide for their family. They understand the pursuit of a woman comes with a financial commitment to show they can take care of someone before they seek to jump into bed with no investment. If a man cannot demonstrate control over his finances and earning ability it is a good sign he can't control other areas of his life either. Financial control doesn't mean being rich and buying or having luxuries, but is shows a high degree of earning capability and control over their finances. For a woman a man of this calibur provides safety and security for her. When coupled with other areas of this blog it shows a man who is worthy of her submission and someone she can trust and have faith will do right by her.

Spirituality: the high value person has a higher calling. They understand their role in this world and know life will come to an end. They know the actions and deeds of their life have purpose and meaning and eventually they will have contributed to a better world through their dealing or they will have robbed the world of its innocense. You understand you are not better than anyone, although you may be better off it does come with a responsibility. You won't take any of your possessions with you and it has been said the greatest gift of all is the ability to give to others. When you understand who you are in a spiritual sense it will change you in a way that makes you of this world but not in it. Truth will drive you more than personal pleasure.

High value is a state of mind not a state of being. When your mindset is on building and creating lasting value you act different. You look at how you treat people and stop using all the excuses and reasons that justify why you act in a way that is superficial. For those who like short term pleasure at any cost please keep doing what makes you happy and think about the cost of your actions. For those of you who have a higher calling and operate at a higher frequency i challenge you to look at where you have the opportunity to further grow and create a focus around developing yourself with a desire on creating and building long term value. Being a high value person is a never ending quest fueled by a desire to build yourself and the world around you to its God-given potential.